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Let’s care for your customers together

We take professional care of your customer relationships.
Customer care

Extend the customer life cycle using great customer care

Subscription services offering goods and services without binding contracts or termination fees are becoming increasingly popular. But how do you incorporate this in a market where the nearest competitor is a click away from the customer?

Excellent customer relations is one of few invariable values when everything from streamed media to ready-packed grocery bags are bought on demand.

While attracting new customers remains hard, it is at least as hard to keep existing customers on board. One path to success is building up good customer relations by engaging in dialogues in different channels. The customer experience has become a crucial competitive advantage.

Make your customers feel special
Featuring blockchain integration and  machine learning optimization for  increased power and reduced latency.
When time is limited, outsourcing one's customer care functions is a smart investment.
Featuring blockchain integration and  machine learning optimization for  increased power and reduced latency.
Service channels

We are wherever your customers are

We take care of your customers anywhere and at any time. 24 hours a day, every day of the week, every week of the year – in whatever ways your company’s specific needs dictate.

icon-phone-square Phone

We have an exceptional experience with phone-based customer service. More than a hundred years ago we started helping our clients’ customers over the phone.

icon-chat-square Chat

We handle chat channels with a personal touch. Use the channel the right way, and up to 70% of level 1 contacts can be automated.

icon-email-square Email

Email and web forms are quick and efficient channels that we use to manage customer interactions.

icon-customer-service-square Whatsapp, Messenger
Whatsapp, Messenger

Instant messaging services such as Whatsapp and Messenger are becoming increasingly important customer service channels.

icon-social-media-square Social channels
Social channels

Aside from usual customer interactions, we can manage moderation and control of chat conversations and discussion forums in social media.

icon-physical-service-point-square Customer service points
Customer service points

Our customer services representatives also offer personal assistance at customer service points. No matter whether in your company’s own stores or in a pop-up store in a mall.

Contact us

Please do get in touch!

We would love to know how we can help you become even better. And we are more than happy to discuss how our personalized services and customer service offerings can help give your company an edge.