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Responsible business

About our corporate responsibility and our values

Long term and committed work

Responsibly produced services

At Dynava, we serve our customers every day of the year on various contact channels. Our goal is to enable a better functioning society, where help is always available through most suitable service channel. On this goal, our staff plays an important role together with our technology solutions and refined service processes. We want to provide our services responsibly with respect for employees, customers, and the environment.

We base our responsibility program on the UN Global Compact's corporate responsibility program and pay special attention to a prosperous and equal work community, environmentally friendly choices, responsible finance and governance, and we actively support charity projects e.g., in support of children and young people.

It is of paramount importance to us as a company to recognize what kind of environment we operate in and what is expected of us as active members of the community. We want to actively increase the well-being of others through our own activities.

Examples of employee experience

+60 % employees work remotely in Finland
4,26/5 rating for induction experience
4,30/5 rating for trust in colleagues
Corporate responsibility

Our guiding responsibility principles

The UN Global Compact promotes and develops the ecological, social and economic responsibility of companies and communities. We adhere to the ten principles of the Global Compact and use them as a framework for our own responsibility program. The program has four key themes: a thriving and equal work community, environmentally friendly choices, a responsible finance and governance, and active participation in society, e.g. for the benefit of children and young people.

A thriving and equal work community

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Employees are a key asset to our company, as a good customer service experience is always about a genuine, caring and humane interaction. This is why we pay special attention to employee experience, well-being and development of our people. Our goal is to ensure a thriving and equal work community where everyone feels safe and respected members of the community.

Our employees are equal in terms of age, gender, employment, cultural background, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, and so on. Our employees have freedom of association and we comply with collective agreements that set the compensation framework and many other terms of the employment.

We offer our employees the opportunity to continuously develop their skills and learn new competences. We conduct regular employee satisfaction, well-being and management surveys.

We strive for good leadership and consistently develop the skills of our supervisors. Our leadership is based on coaching and open and continuous interaction. We have active internal communication and the company's management systematically informs the organization about the latest developments.


Environmentally friendly choices

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Most of our environmental impact is related to energy consumption and commute of our personnel. We strive to reduce our carbon footprint by reducing work-related travel and energy consumption. Technological solutions, our refined processes and efficient management processes enable up to 60% of employees in Finland to work remotely. We also prefer virtual meetings, which reduce work-related travel.

We help our staff to prefer green traffic options. Our office are located with good public transport connections, and in Finland we support the use of public transport. We have implemented an environmentally friendly car policy with CO2 emission limits to favor electric and hybrid cars.

In our daily operations, our personnel is instructed to favor environmentally friendly solutions. We recycle and reuse as much as possible and control the use of electricity in our offices. We process and store documents mainly in digital form, and our purchasing team favors environmentally friendly choices.

Sustainable business

Responsible finance and governance

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At Dynava, we recognize our daily responsibility to make our business as reliable and secure as possible and to ensure long term continuity of our operations. We want our customers, partners and employees to be able to count on us to deliver on our business promise far ahead in the future.

We strive to build sustainable profitability through financial and administrative responsibility as well as careful planning and corporate oversight. We monitor the development of revenue streams and costs through detailed strategy, financial planning and reporting processes.

We have a solid corporate control matrix to prevent financial or other fraud. Our detailed security policy and contingency plans protect against hacking risks and eliminate disruptions on our services.

For personal data and information, we have a detailed and secure management process both for our own and customers' services.


Active participation

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We want to be active in contributing for benefit of the community around us. We actively participate in this with our core business, for example by providing very affordable directory services for the disabled and healthcare related taxi dispatch services.
We also promote local employment and growth by operating in eight locations in Finland and Sweden.

Every year, we actively support third-sector actors who work especially for the benefit of children and young people. We have been involved in Red Nose Day, which helps the world’s most vulnerable children. For the eighth year in a row, we have been cooperating with the Sailing Ship Foundation, which enables sailing training and long sailing opportunities for young people with very different background.

Every summer, we offer employment opportunities and valuable work experience for young people in the Responsible Summer Job program.